Passenger Locator Form (PLF):

The Greek government has determined how the country will welcome travellers, carry out the necessary diagnostic screening and keep everyone safe throughout the season.

All travellers are obliged to complete the Passenger Locator Form (PLF) at least 24 hours before entering the country, providing detailed information on their point of departure, the duration of previous stays in other countries, and the address of their stay while in Greece.
For the Passenger Locator Form please click on the following link: 

» Passenger Locator Form

Greece Safe Cards

The A-Z new measures for the Covid-19 at Hotel Matheo Villas & Suites

Considering the impact and changes caused by the virus SARS-CoV - 2, we want to ensure you that we are focused as a top priority, our duty to protect the health of our guests and staff, as well as, the public health.
Below you’ll find a comprehensive list of all the key measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 being implemented at our hotel.

Our measures include:
• Management team for medical action plan.
• Co-operation with medical center, close to the hotel.
• Recorded personal files with contact details per guest (for medical only use if it’ll be necessary).
• Social distances of at least 1.5 m must be maintained by customers and employees.
• Rigorous cleaning and sanitisation of guest rooms, corridors, and all common areas.
• Frequent disinfection of contact points, such as elevator buttons, door handles, chairs and tables, WCs etc.
• Antibacterial hand sanitisers placed in common areas, such as lobbies, restaurants, bars, shops.
• Laser thermometers available at the front desk to conduct temperature checks.
• All our staff have received thorough training on our enhanced protocols, in addition to training on identifying any flu or virus-like symptoms and following a firm procedure on reporting to a medical official. Staff will also continue to receive training on global standards of sanitation.

Visitors will have to keep 1.5 m between each other (except families or friends accommodated in the same room).
Markings on the floor to delimit safe distances for queuing are installing.
Seating in all waiting areas has been re-arranged to allow for safe minimum distances. However, families or couples do not have to keep this distance.
Upon arrival, you’re advised to ask about the establishment’s policy in case of health incidents and about the medical facilities in the general area.

Check-in and check-out times have been changed: check-out to 11 a.m. and check-in to 2 p.m. The added time between each check-out and check-in is necessary to ensure that each room is thoroughly disinfected between stays, and that the space is adequately ventilated.
A special paper film closures the room’s main door after the departure service, to guarantee that you’re the first who will be in your room after the disinfection.
Please keep in mind that: all card keys disinfected after each stay. Electronic payments upon check-out. If you wish, invoices or receipts will be sent to you via email.
Cash will only be accepted under exceptional circumstances.

All siting at restaurants and café-bars are outdoors and limited are indoor spaces.
Buffet service (food and drinks), from restaurant staff members only.
The minimum distance allowed between tables ranges from 90 cm to 180 cm, and no more than six people are allowed at one table, although these restrictions do not apply to families with children.
Information signs will remind you of individual hygiene rules and of safety measures applying to all spaces.
Markings on the floor to delimit safe distances for queuing are installing.
We are continuing to reinforce our internationally recognized methods of identifying and managing food safety related risk, including Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).

The Hotel’s telephone center number is +30 28970 32980 (from your cell phone) or 199  (from your room’s telephone devise). Hotel’s telephone center is operating 24/7 (when the hotel is open).

Wap Direct 00302897032980

1.5 m from others in the queue.
Restriction on the use of lifts 1 person per time (does not apply for families and couples).

The use of mask is mandatory only for hotel staff.

The main rule to observe is to remain at least 1.5 – 2 m from others in the queue.
In some departments, floor markings have been placed to aid with physical distancing.

Rental cars are disinfected between uses by different clients. Additionally, the number of passengers allowed will be restricted.
This restriction does not apply for families with children.

Sunbeds are placed so that two people sitting under two different umbrellas, or two people staying in two different rooms maintain a distance of at least 2 meters in every direction.
Every time a customer leaves, seats, tables and any other item the next customer may use will be disinfected.

Customer transport is allowed via organized transfers only.
Vehicles with up to 5 seats can carry no more than one passenger plus the driver. Companions of people with disabilities are exempt from this rule. 6-7 seat cars can carry the driver plus two passengers, while 8-9 seat cars can carry up to 3 passengers.
The passenger limit will not apply if the passengers are parents with their children.
The driver and passengers must all wear masks.

Hotel’s rooms are for customer-use only.
No visitors are permitted.

• Please note that all the measures are subject to change.
• We will be regularly updating this info as necessary, however measures not listed here may be implemented if this is deemed necessary.

Sincerely yours,